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Curated No.22

July 26, 2020
Photo by Kevin Serna

A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.


As online fast fashion giant Boohoo faces ‘slavery’ claims, who else needs to pay the price for our fast fashion fix?  | Metro

Why feed fatigue of social activism is a privilege | Darling Magazine

A visual story of how body ideals changed over time | Keisei Magazine

Yes, sunscreen CAN expire | Mindbodygreen

Karen culture and why meme-ifying bigotry won’t cut it | Indie

A very on point cultural criticism of one of the most useless fashion trends du jour – the nap dress | Elle

The health & wellness benefits of forest bathing | Coveteur

An absolutely stunning summer photoshoot | Ignant

The false promise of anti-racism books | The Atlantic

Currently drinking this smoothie in the mornings | Love & Lemons

The latest edition of my favorite streetstyle video series

When art meet politics – contemporary artists launch Enough of Trump campaign | Artnet


