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Simple tricks to become more productive

March 14, 2017


Isn’t that a nice click-bait title? Who wouldn’t like to be more productive? It is, after all, the buzzword of our times (along with “busy”, which I absolutely detest, so let’s just stick to productive).

Productivity for me is a combination of clever planning and focused efforts with the result of awesome efficiency. It is definitely not strictly a question of how much time we spend on something. Rather, it’s a question of how well we spend that time.

In that sense, minimalism and productivity go hand in hand. Focusing on the essentials, eliminating the distractions.

Another interesting similarity? I have already wrote about my approach to minimalism. I think there are widely-applicable guidelines or principles, but at the end, minimalism is deeply personal. It’s your life, your priorities, and your decisions. What’s essential is exclusively up to you.

Productivity is no different. There is no universal secret list of how to be more productive. Why? Because we work, think, create, and focus differently. Our skills are different. Our lifestyles are different. What works for me, might now work for you.

That’s why I am a big advocate of everyone finding their very own, personalized productivity techniques. It’s a big task that requires, as usual, a lot of self-search, asking the right questions, and coming up with honest answers. This is the next big step in this Minimalism and Productivity series, and a topic for another post.

For now, let’s focus on some smaller starting steps.

The general guidelines, so to say, which can be small, but important building blocks in your own routines.


Simple tips to become more productive

Get up earlier

This one, of course, is not for the night owls. But there is an immensely satisfying feeling in starting your day earlier, undisturbed by everyone, getting things done by 10 AM, and realizing that you still have the whole day in front of you.

The 2-minutes rule

David Allen’s Getting Things Done book and method is probably the one you will encounter the most if you research productivity. It is actually a very useful book. One of his advice that made a big difference in my productivity is the 2-minute rule. If it can be done in 2 minutes or less, do it now if you’re ever going to do it at all. Do it, then it’s off your mind and will not come back at random times to haunt you.

Time block

Create specific time blocks for specific tasks in order to keep you organized and on track. Stick to them and make sure that they get your undivided attention. Schedule your writing, your phone calls, even your errands. It actually has two benefits. One, you do not have a feeling of ‘I have too much to do, I don’t even know where to start”. You plan ahead and thus already think through your tasks and make an actionable to do list out of them. Two, you dedicate a time frame to it, which helps your focus and sense of control.

Tidy your workplace

I actually believe that our environments reflect our state of minds. An organized life (or desk in this case), an organized mind. Clear your workplace, designate a place for everything and stick to it. You’ll instantly feel a lot more in control, and at the end, having control over your life makes the biggest difference.

Take breaks

No one runs a marathon with a sprinter’s speed. The body and the brain simply cannot be at their peaks at all times. This is nothing to be ashamed of, just simple biology. Take a look at this infographic for the power of little breaks.


Most of the people don’t delegate tasks, because they think no one can do better them. But none of us are good at everything. An efficient person knows his or her strengths and others’ strengths as well. Productivity solely depends on how effectively you use your time and skills. So if you can, delegate, don’t be your own enemy and waste your own time.

Never multitask important things

Why multitasking was once all the rage in productivity theories, more and more people realize that, well, it does not work. It’s impossible to give the right focus to many things simultaneously; our brains are just unable to effectively switch back and forth. The only thing you will achieve is half-done things in twice the amount of time.

Only multitask if one of the activities is quasi-automated

While I can guarantee that you cannot write a business plan during a conference call, while giving proper attention to both, there are things that you can do simultaneously. The key is that one of those must be a habitual, or automated activity that does not require sharp focus. Do a phone call (on the speaker) while you drive. Listen to a podcast or audio book while cleaning. Read a book on the train.

Eat and drink healthily and regularly

The car doesn’t go without fuel. Why would our brains? No eating, no energy, no productivity. Having no time for lunch, because you have so much to do is simply the worst thing you can do for your productivity levels.

Write next day’s to-do list the day before at the end of your workday

You will feel more at ease if you know what the day holds for you and you can start being effective immediately without wasting a lot of time on figuring out what to do and in what order. More control, more focus.

Just start

 Often starting something is the most daunting part of a project. It can be either because it’s a task we hate or because it seems too difficult and challenging. So we put if off, procrastinate, think about it. The longer we think about it, the more difficult it seems. It’s a vicious cycle. So, try this brain hack. Just start. Probably in a few minutes, your brain will realize that it is now in action mode and will cooperate.

Done is better than perfect

Why? Because perfect doesn’t exist and you will just ruin your whole life if you are constantly chasing something that’s simply not there. Do it, finish it, learn from it, and move on.


What are your productivity hacks?

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Simple tips to become more productive productivity / productivity tips / organizing / blogging / productivity hacks /
Simple tips to become more productive
Simple tips to become more productive




  • Kathy August 22, 2017 at 12:02 PM

    Love these simple tips/ productivity rules you got here! Will definitely incorporate them to my lifestyle 🙂
    xx, Kathy

    • Viktoria August 22, 2017 at 7:04 PM

      Thanks!! Hope they work out for you as well😉
