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Smart and mindful shopping – 15 questions to honestly answer before buying clothes

April 3, 2017

mindful shopping tips



Do I really, truly, honestly need it?

Do I have something (or five somethings) eerily similar?


Do I have something to wear with it?

Do I have multiple things to wear with it?

Would I really wear it?


Am I in love with it?

Does it look good on me?


Did I check the label?

Is it good quality fabric?

Is it well structured, does the stitching seem firm?

Do I have to throw it out after 1 wash?

Price and value

Can I afford it?

Will I regret it?

Is it good value for the price?

Or is it just cheap?


The rest is up to you. An answer should always be a firm Yes or No. Well, maybe, not that bad are not answers. And but it’s so cute is not the final deciding factor, either.

Smart and minimalist shopping strategies

