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5 success habits to adopt in the New Year

December 21, 2017

5 essential self-motivation principles, aka success habits to try in the New Year productivity / organizing / motivation / personal growth / work / career / life hacks

I have to confess, I’m a sucker for motivational speeches spiked with one or two famous quotes. Some people may think they are mostly clichés in an elaborate packaging, but I think that words can have tremendous power and good motivational mottos can simplify complex ideas, act as quick reminders, and easily boost self-confidence.

So, just because it’s almost 2018 and this time around we’re all bursting with excitement and energy, making resolutions and drafting ambitious plans for the New Year, here are my 5 favorite self-motivation principles. I call them success habits, because, well, they are pretty essential to living a happy and content life.

1 // Don’t be afraid to fail

Fear of failure is deeply ingrained in most of us. But the thing is, the people who achieved big things were the ones who weren’t afraid to step out of the safe zone. Because usually, the interesting things are happening outside of that safe zone.

I wrote about this earlier, but this one little quote really changed my mindset about failure: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Such a simple, straightforward question, and deep down we all know the answer – something just holds us back to act on it. And, most often than not, that something is the fear of failure, fear of shattering our fragile confidence, fear of not being enough, fear of what others might think. But there’s no progress without failure. It’s kind of inevitable, the only question is how we process it. I’m trying to take it as something to learn from and something that is an essential part of personal growth.

2 // Don’t wait for the ‘right time’

I let you in on a little secret: it will never come. Especially when it comes to decisions or actions we are afraid of for some reason. Waiting for the right time is I think one of those lies we are telling ourselves to ease our minds and conscience (let’s be honest, most of us are masters in lying to ourselves). The reason why I find this particularly dangerous is that we trick ourselves into thinking we are at least already on the right path – we are in action mode. After all, we made some kind of decision, we might have even took a couple of tentative steps in the right direction, but, you know, it’s just not the right time to completely pull the trigger and go all in. We’re waiting for the right time to make career moves, to discuss difficult issues, to move abroad, to try something new, to adopt new habits, to make decisions. And so we wait, until that right time will magically present itself and take the weight of those decisions off our shoulders.

Of course, sometimes waiting for the right time may be a smart strategic decision. But often, it’s just an excuse, just as much as I’ll start tomorrow. Do some soul-searching and if there are still legitimate reasons for holding out with something, do so. But if not, just start. Don’t spend your life waiting.

Related: The problem with I’ll start tomorrow

3 // Don’t dwell on the past

There’s a huge difference between analyzing and looking for conclusions on our past actions and obsessing over what should have been done.

The first one is smart and takes you forward. The second one is totally pointless and only holds you back. What would have been is probably the dumbest question ever. Not to mention, it’s incredibly harmful. Because the thing is: we will never know what could have happened but we can easily drive ourselves mad with speculation. It can propel us into a state of frustration, second-guessing, remorse, and regret. Not a very positive state of mind, to say the least.

Don’t fall into that shoulda, coulda, woulda trap.

Related: 17 things that are not worth your time

4 // Dare to believe in your own success

OK, I need to work on this one myself. It’s one thing to be realistic and know the journey may be a slow one; it’s another to be self-defeating. And it’s so easy to lose that balance, especially if we’re constantly comparing ourselves (see below). But know that someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your chances. Also, I’m not a very spiritual person, but I do believe in the power of positivity. Not because it somehow influences fate or you mysteriously bend the universe and make things happen if you believe in it, but because positive thinking makes us determined, creative, bold, open, and free.

5 // Don’t compare yourself

Another daily challenge that’s often easier said than done. There’s a thin line between being inspired by others’ journeys and falling into a comparison trap. The first one is important – we can learn so much: tips, tricks, what to do or what not to do. It’s smart to try to learn from other people’s successes or even mistakes. However, the moment we start comparing our progress to theirs, or even worse, our real life to their shiny social media variant, is the moment it starts to become harmful. It can lead to worry, self-doubt, and jealousy, or can result in a desperate attempt to keep up and imitate, rather than stay in our own lane and remain original.

Whenever I feel like slipping into the comparison trap, I stop and try to remind myself of the whys. Why I am doing what I’m doing and why I think it’s important. And I have to realize again and again that for me the journey is just as important as actually achieving the goals. And the journey is always unique. If you believe in your strengths, if you enjoy the journey, if you remind yourself that you don’t know the full picture of someone else’s life, and that comparison is a time-wasting activity that has really absolutely no benefits at all – you’ll find it easier to focus on yourself.

What are your motivational mantras or success habits?

Success habits to adopt in the new year
5 essential self-motivation principles, aka success habits to try in the New Year productivity / organizing / motivation / personal growth / work / career / life hacks
5 essential self-motivation principles, aka success habits to try in the New Year productivity / organizing / motivation / personal growth / work / career / life hacks
5 essential self-motivation principles, aka success habits to try in the New Year productivity / organizing / motivation / personal growth / work / career / life hacks
5 essential self-motivation principles, aka success habits to try in the New Year productivity / organizing / motivation / personal growth / work / career / life hacks







  • Chloe Mason December 21, 2017 at 1:27 PM

    I actually really love this article. You’ve broken down all of the most clichéd quotes which actually are more complex and profound than most people think. There are some things I need to work on myself, like procrastinating and saying things that I’d do tomorrow whereas we should be starting today. Thank you for sharing this, I’m a big fan of your blog btw! Your photos are just goals.


    Chloe M.

    • Viktoria December 21, 2017 at 1:48 PM

      Hi Chloe, thank you soo much, your comment seriously made my day. I’m glad someone else is finding little snippets of truth in these cliches:) Hope you have a wonderful (and very productive and successful:)) New Year. xx

  • Asakemi December 21, 2017 at 7:08 PM

    These are great tips! Definitely things I need to remember as I enter the new year. I have some huge plans coming and I need to believe in them and celebrate my little suscesses along the way!

    • Viktoria December 21, 2017 at 10:39 PM

      Definitely dear, you’re doing so great – enjoy and draw strength from it. Can’t wait to see your plans in the new year:) xx

  • Han December 29, 2017 at 10:32 AM

    I love these tips that you’ve spoken about here, also how you’ve broke down and spoke about some really inspirational quotes! x

    Han |

    • Viktoria December 29, 2017 at 9:57 PM

      So glad you like it! Have a wonderful New Year! xx
